Information Technology: Its Impact on Teaching and Learning in the Educational Sector


  • Stephen Onyeanwuna OSAKWE Lead City University, Ibadan Author


Information Technology, Information Management, Learning and Teaching


ICT has become an integral aspect of human existence, allowing people to do more in less time 
and money. The rapid speed of change brought about by new technology has had a tremendous 
impact on how people live, work, and play throughout the world. New and developing 
technologies are challenging the traditional teaching and learning processes, as well as the way 
education is handled. While Information Technology (IT) is an essential subject of study in its 
own right, it has a significant influence on all curricular areas. Easy global connection allows 
for immediate access to a huge diversity of data, demanding knowledge and assessment skills. 
Rapid communication, along with expanded access to IT at home, work, and in schools, may 
result in learning becoming a genuinely lifelong activity, one in which the rate of technological 
change necessitates regular examination of the learning process itself.


