Work Environment, Job Commitment and Service Delivery by Librarians in Selected Private University Libraries in South West, Nigeria


  • Deborah Bamidele OLOGUN Lead City University, Ibadan Author


work environment, job commitment, service delivery, librarians and university library


The study evaluated the influence of work environment and job commitment as determinants 
of service delivery by librarians in selected private university libraries in southwest, 
Nigeria.Thestudyadopteda descriptive/survey designwithastudypopulationof200librarians in
selected private universitylibraries in Southwest, Nigeria, a total 182 datawereusedbecausesome 
questionnaire were unable to recover from the respondents. An adapted and validated 
questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software, 
frequencydistributionandpercentage; mean and standard deviation and inferential 
statistics.Thefindingsrevealedthatthelevelofconduciveworkenvironment of the library staff of 
the selected private university Libraries can be described a high (grand mean=2.58, SD=.630). 
This implies that the work environment is favorable to a high extent. There sult further revealed
that the job commitment of librarian in private university libraries in Southwest Nigeria is high 
(grand mean = 3.34, SD = .512), as well as the service delivery (Grand Mean = 2.27, SD = 
.676). The study concludes that work environment and job commitment, are very important 
aspect on service delivery of librarians. Amongst others, the study recommended that in order to 
satisfy the staff and enable them to perform their jobs effectively, library administration must 
make an effort to provide a supportive, enjoyable, and a conducive work environment for 
library staff. In meeting the service delivery needs of 21st century.

